Say goodbye to "sitting for long periods of time", I recommend this office chair


What do people spend the longest time with in their lives? Some say it’s a bed, some say it’s a pet. But many office white-collar workers have overlooked one thing - office chairs! Rough estimates show that an average person will sit on an office chair for a lifetime. The time exceeds 40,000 hours. An office worker spends more than 60,000 hours sitting in an office chair in his lifetime, while an IT practitioner spends more than 80,000 hours.


Therefore, a good office chair is particularly important. There are countless office chair recommendations on the market. How to buy a suitable office chair?


It is difficult for people to maintain a correct sitting posture without consciousness. At this time, the concept of "ergonomics" must be mentioned. The so-called ergonomics is essentially to make the use of tools fit the natural shape of the human body as much as possible, without the body needing to actively adapt, thus minimizing fatigue and damage caused by long-term use of tools. The Ivyco ergonomic chair we are going to talk about today further studies the coordination relationship between man-machine-environment on this basis to create a high degree of fit between the seating posture and the seat, making the office chair more efficient and comfortable.


Many physical problems caused by sitting for a long time are because the user's body does not have good support when riding. If you want to get rid of problems such as lumbar pain caused by sitting for a long time, it is also very important for the seat to not be tired after sitting for a long time.


The design of Ivyco office chair is derived from the ergonomics of the automobile seat industry. The sponge and seat cushion design are put into the seat so that the chair can provide strong support while achieving the best balance of softness and comfort, and has good breathability. , making people sit for a long time without being tired or bored. The seat cushion adopts a hyperbolic design. The sponge cushion is designed to conform to the curves of the human body. The hard support at the bottom of the sponge also adopts a special curve design. The hyperbolic design ensures that the body is supported while sitting more comfortably. The seat depth is also adjustable. Release pressure from your legs.


During work, the adjustable armrests of the seat can also reduce the burden on the body to a certain extent. The main function of the armrest is to give the arm something to rely on and keep the person in a stable state while working. Therefore, the Ivyco office chair adopts a 4D 8-way armrest design. This design has a larger adjustment range, more adjustment dimensions, and is adjustable The front and rear, lifting, rotating and other directions thus meet more needs of users of different body types.


Ivyco is an office chair designed for efficiency and exists for experience. Although Ivyco office chairs can give everyone a pleasant office experience, you should not overload your body with your daily work to avoid overwork and illness.

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