Health care methods for maintaining the health area of the back


We always pay great attention to the maintenance of the face, but often neglect the maintenance of the back. As everyone knows, Chinese medicine believes that the back corresponds to various areas of the human body, and it is much more important than the face. Come and see how traditional Chinese medicine inspects from the back, and how you can maintain the health of your back.


The corresponding areas of the human body on the back:


1. Ojo


Protrusion and pigmentation - Long-term strain on the shoulder and neck can easily lead to frozen shoulder, impeded shoulder and neck meridian, insufficient blood and oxygen supply to the brain, dizziness, headache, palpitation and chest tightness.


Acne - accumulation of feces in the intestinal tract, slow metabolism of toxins, constipation, abdominal distension, borborygmus.


2. Lung area


Enlarged pores and hyperpigmentation—weakened lung function can easily lead to nasopharyngeal problems, rhinitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, dry itching, easy to get angry, chest tightness and shortness of breath.


3. Heart area


Enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, and acne—excessive heart fire, preoccupation, light sleep and dreaminess, heart palpitations, palpitation, and cold hands and feet.


4. Liver area


Obvious bulges—exuberant liver fire, depressed mood or short temper, sallow complexion, bitter mouth, red eyes and dry eyes, weak detoxification function, easy to cause fine liver, fatty liver, gallstones, distended ribs, heavy back, Easy lobular hyperplasia, breast hyperplasia, cold hands and feet.


5. Spleen area


It is easier to diagnose when pushing the bladder meridian, with integrity, swelling - dark yellow complexion, obvious wrinkles, poor appetite, stomach fire or cold, bad breath, bloating and stomach pain, hiccups, acid reflux, muscle relaxation, easy bruising, Irregular menstruation.


6. Kidney area


Darkness, hyperpigmentation, kidney deficiency lines, deep waist and eyes - insufficient kidney energy, easy hair loss, memory loss, poor sleep quality, frequent nocturia, easy to be frightened, dark circles, obvious bags under the eyes, tinnitus, easy edema, afraid of cold, Cold hands and feet, endocrine disorders, irregular menstruation, gynecological diseases, unharmonious married life, frigidity, infertility, back pain, poor circulation of lower limbs.


7. Gynecology


Protruding Baliao point, turning blue, turning black, acne--endocrine disorders, palace cold, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea, endometritis, adnexitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc. Poor circulation of lower limbs in gynecology .


Health care methods in the back health area:


1. Correct sitting posture


The cumulative damage of sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can be serious if you're not sitting properly. The body can only tolerate being in the same position for a short period of time before you feel compelled to adapt. These types of factors in the workplace can affect your back health, including sitting posture, computer screen position, chair height, keyboard position, mouse position, and office equipment layout. If you work in an office and use a computer, you should avoid back injuries by sitting properly and arranging your chair properly. If you cannot secure your seating position and work environment, ask your supervisor to arrange a work place for you. When you sit in a chair with proper posture, it helps prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSI), one of the causes of back pain. Sit up straight and make sure your lower back is supported.


2. Adjust the chair


A standard office chair should have five legs in a five-pointed star shape. The height of a good chair must be adjustable, and the height and inclination of the backrest should also be adjusted according to the comfort of the back. Ideally, the backrest should be movable independently to create a more comfortable position. When you're sitting, your thighs should be at approximately a right angle (90 degrees) to your body. And if your seat is right for you, your feet should be able to plant firmly on the floor, but if you want more comfort, you can put a footstool on the ground. The basic rule of thumb is to support your back with your feet on the ground.


3. Handle goods safely


Aside from repetitive strain injuries (RSI), the biggest cause of back injuries is improper handling or handling of objects, especially while working. Learning the skills of handling goods correctly and countermeasures to deal with heavy objects safely can improve the safety in the process of handling. Lifting tips and countermeasures include: thinking about the easiest way to lift loads before work; using a correct position when starting to lift; carrying heavy objects close to the waist; trying to keep your back as straight as possible; avoiding spraining your back or flanks; keep your head elevated when lifting; have a clear sense of how much you can lift; push heavy loads forward instead of pulling them forward; keep the weight on every part of your body even.


4. Take breaks


Don't sit in the same place for a long time, it is feasible to change your posture from time to time. Frequent short breaks are more effective than infrequent long breaks, which allow the muscles time to relax without spraining other parts. This prevents your body from becoming stiff and tense. Most jobs have the opportunity to take short breaks away from the screen, such as to go to the pantry to get some fresh air, while filing or copying documents.

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