A few exercises to train your swan neck and eliminate shoulder and neck discomfort in the office


Modern people spend more and more time working on computers, and the number of people suffering from shoulder and neck pain is also increasing. Some people often complain that when working hours are long, the cervical spine and shoulders and neck feel uncomfortable. They often go for massages, but they can never be cured. It’s not like it will always be like this.


At the same time, there are also many women who hope to have a beautiful and slender swan neck. Healthy shoulders and neck and beautiful swan neck actually almost coexist. Swan neck refers to a slender and slender neck like a swan. A swan neck has three indicators: thin, long, and tight skin. Usually the distance from the lower jaw to the clavicle is regarded as the length of the neck. The standard length should be half the length of the own head, that is, 0.5 head length. Some people are born with swan necks, but people who don't have swan necks can also acquire the feeling of swan necks through acquired methods.


So how to have good-looking and healthy shoulders and neck? Let’s first look at what are the characteristics of friends who complain about shoulder and neck discomfort?


1. Neck probing: refers to stretching the neck forward.


2. Strong shoulders and high and low shoulders. The so-called strong shoulders mean that the muscles in the shoulder and neck are abnormally bloated. High and low shoulders refer to one side of the shoulder being high, usually the right shoulder.


3. Shoulder shrug: The shoulders are shrugged to make the neck look shorter.


4. Round shoulders: The shoulders are forward and inward.


The main reason for the formation of these incorrect postures is the usual posture habits and movement patterns, which lead to overactivation and overuse of the upper trapezius muscles and inactivation of the deep neck muscles.


So how can we correct these problems to make our appearance better and our health better? Below we recommend four exercise methods and two key points that need to be paid attention to in daily work and life.


Workout 1


Stretch: Neck muscles


Sit on an office chair, hold the chair with one hand to fix your shoulders, and pull your head 45 degrees with the other hand. Hold it for 30 seconds after you feel a pulling sensation on your shoulders and neck, rotate left and right, and do one to three groups. This action will help reduce the hunched joint. Shoulders, relieves pain and discomfort in the shoulders and head. But practice every day.


Workout 2


Wall Angel: This exercise targets the middle and lower trapezius muscles, helping to lower the shoulders and create a taller posture.


1. Stand against the wall with your arms raised at 45 degrees. 2. Pull down your arms and shoulder blades. Repeat this 20 times.


Requirements: 1. Don’t shrug your shoulders. 2. Always keep your shoulders extended. 3. You can practice every other day.


Workout 3


Back pull row: This exercise can enhance the back extension strength of the upper limbs, exercise the middle and lower trapezius muscles, and change the rounded shoulders.


Raise your arms straight in front, palms upward, and pull back to the maximum extent. A group of 15, practice three groups.


Requirements: The shoulders sink, and when pulling back, the two shoulder blades pinch back and inward. Can be practiced every day.


Workout 4


Weight-bearing side raises: Increase upper arm strength, help share the burden on the shoulders and neck, and reduce shoulder and neck swelling.


Hold a weight of 0.5 to 1.5 kg and perform side raises 10 times, three sets.


Requirements: Keep your shoulders down and avoid shrugging. You can practice this every other day.


After having the key strength, we also need to pay attention to two daily postures, so that we can truly make our body beautiful and better maintain our health.


Posture 1


When working, avoid raising one shoulder and keep both shoulders flat. Lower the shoulder to reduce the tension and discomfort in the shoulder and neck.


Posture 2


Pay attention to the posture of holding the head upward and holding the jaw.


Paying attention to maintaining this posture for a long time will make the muscle control mode of the neck more perfect, which can not only reduce neck discomfort, but also make people's temperament more beautiful.


Finally, I emphasize again that if you have the key to control your body posture and movement, plus consciously pay attention to your usual movement posture, then a healthy swan neck will accompany you.

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